Alternative Gravel road Stabilisation
The Mosmart Advantage
Mosmart offers a ground-breaking patented anionic surfactant that has been extensively researched and developed over a period of 17 years. Mosmart is not only in the fortunate position to offer clients the complete range of dust and road stabilization products available on the market at better than competitive rates, we can also offer all of these products in a greatly enhanced state by combining them with our environmentally friendly and patented surfactant M3T 3005 (M3T). In order to demonstrate the effect of M3T on various different products, Mosmart had independent testing done by leading facilities and role players in the respective industries.
In an effort to demonstrate the effectiveness and competitive advantage achieved by using Mosmart’s flagship patented IP Product, M3T 3005, Mosmart obtained the services of Matrolab in South Africa to conduct specific compressive tests relating to road construction. Matrolab is accredited with the SANAS testing laboratory and is a Civil Engineering Services group. Tests conducted were of the type CBR-UCS @ (%) MOD AASHTO and tested for 90%, 93%, 95%, 97%, 98% and 100% MOD AASHTO. Tests were conducted for a 2% and 4% (illustrative purposes only) Cem.IV 32.5R BV cement mix on G6 material for road construction, comparing varying M3T water dosages to the control sample of natural water only. The actual cement mix percentage has to be determined by the construction engineer depending on material used and UCS prescribed for each particular road.
Test results indicate that the best results were achieved for a ratio of 7.5ml M3T per 10 000ml (10l) of natural water. Tests further indicated that UCS (Mpa) is largely increased by adding M3T to the water for the road construction cement mix as opposed to using natural water only. For instance in Graph1 with a 7.5ml M3T dosage to natural water, UCS in the 95% compressive test is improved by 233% from 0.59 in the control sample to 1.97 when M3T was added to the natural water. Testing under practical road construction conditions have indicated that except for the obvious cement savings, additional savings on water usage, time spend and running costs are also achieved. Where previously one needed about 4-5 pass-overs per road construction length, the same results (UCS) are now achieved through less pass-overs. Complete test results on G6 material are graphically presented in graph1 (2% cement mix) and graph 2 (4% cement mix).

Compressive and Indirect Tensile Strength Tests
Tensile Strength Tests done under request from at ATS (SANRAL approved).

With the above in mind Mosmart developed a range of products to suppress dust and optimise the wearing course of mine haul roads across the continent. Our team of expert will develop a dust suppression management plan to effectively control dust ensuring compliance with Mine safety and environmental regulations. In conjunction with our clients we assist with identifying and prioritising specific roads within the road network to optimise product selection and to ensure the most cost effective solutions with the required results.