Marine 3
Marine 3 offers a groundbreaking patented environmentally friendly and non-toxic anionic surfactant that has been extensively evaluated, researched, and developed by prominent and world-renowned scientists over an extended period of 17 years.
M3T Differs from other surfactants which are either alcohol based, oil based, or chemically based and contains solvents such as glycol and ammonia which are mostly toxic and non-environmentally friendly.
M3T is primarily used in the pre-treatment of water. The quality of water and its properties are manipulated in an entirely natural way.
This natural product neutralizes the magnetic charges of particles in water thus reducing surface and interfacial tension resulting in:
• Increased adhesion of the liquid to a solid particle thus resulting in a powerful wetting agent.
• Allows for water and oil-based droplets to break down into finer globules and to stay in suspension for longer, resulting in powerful emulsification.
• Prevention of particles to cluster or agglomerate together, thus resulting in powerful deagglomeration.
• The product poses no danger to the environment due to the low percentage of active ingredients in the composition of the product.
Due to the extremely low dosages required to make water much more effective, it makes the product:
• Economically feasible and
• Environmentally friendly​
Evaporation System without M3T
Evaporation System with M3T
The main ingredients in M3T are (1) anionic surfactant (derived from plant extracts) acting as the surface active agent, (2) seawater and (3) a salt. M3T orchestrates very effective wetting, de-agglomeration, emulsification and dispersion. It also enables enhanced and accelerated coagulation and flocculation, in the presence of a flocculant.
Main Properties
Wetting - M3T is effective in the wetting of all floating or settled materials that are typically required to be blended with water.
Emulsification - Emulsification is the dispersion of oil and solvent-based materials into water.
De-Agglomeration - When carbon black agglomerates in water, particles will grow larger in size and sink to the bottom. The de-agglomeration properties of M3T allows for carbon black particles to remain in ultra-fine size.
Wetting is the increased adhesion of the liquid to a solid particle, M3T is thus effective in the wetting of all floating or settled materials including, dust, carbon, oil, sulphur, chemicals, pigment dust and powders that are typically required to be blended with water.
Emulsification is the dispersion of oil and solvent-based materials into water including oil, fat, bitumen, solvents, cream, tar and grease, to name but a few. The reduction of surface and interfacial tension by neutralizing static charges within liquids allows for the integration of significant amounts of oil-based liquids into water.
M3T is used to de-agglomerate particles. When carbon black agglomerates in water, particles will grow bigger in size and sink to the bottom. The de-agglomeration properties of M3T allows for carbon black particles to remain in ultra-fine size.

Benefits of using M3T
Improved performance of all water applications.
Reduced use of chemicals and enhanced functionality of chemicals.
Fine & ultra-fine air-borne globules/gases can now be emulsified into water droplets.
Oil-based dirt and unwanted materials can now be mixed with water for removal or mixing.
Burning organic and solvent-based materials can now be effectively extinguished with water.
Oil-based bacteria can now be penetrated and removed.
Oil, grease or fat can be lifted from surfaces.
Elements and materials essential for Agriculture can now be micro milled and emulsified into water for much improved uptake.
In summary Marine 3 has unlocked one of the oceans secrets, since ancient times man knew of this magical healing ability and still today uses seawater as a general cleanser and tonic. What better way than for the ocean to heal itself by utilising a product made from mostly salt, sea water and plant extract, rather than more synthetic man made petro-chemicals. Our path allows for a process of natural micro de-agglomeration and emulsion whereby the oil particles are broken down to minute particle sizes paving the way for far simpler and more effective bio-remediation.